Friday, May 6, 2011

Query Away!

Lack of Internet in my home has kind of put a damper on my publishing goal. I work now from the local coffee shop, and work always comes first. So hunting for the right publishers and agents was always on hold. Remember folks you just do not want to go with any publisher or agent. It sometimes take a long and tedious process to find that one publisher, or agent that you think your book is fit for, at least it should do this.

I finally have gotten a break though! I have now just sent a query off to Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. I also reworked my query letter, and my synopsis of the book. I got a good feeling I presented myself and the book a lot better than I did in the past. I always look back at my unsuccessful attempts to find out that I did wrong in my presentation that might of turned them off. So those rejections,or no replies I get are very helpful in learning how to properly write a query letter. They also can help you in how to write a proper book synopsis too that will grab a Publishers or Agents attention. So the Query is away!!! Wish me luck!