For someone who is interested in your books sum up your book in two words.
CS: Maybe this is cheating, but I would have to say Paranormal Romance.
No, not cheating Cheri just vague…just vague. Okay how about your target audience for your book? Who is your target audience, and why Fantasy?
CS: I would say my books are all crossovers from YA Fantasy Romance, to New Adult, to Adult, because my readers range in age from 15-70. And the average age of my reader is 35-45. It seems I just can’t resist adding elements of fantasy to my stories. I just love it, although I do have plans to write contemporary without any fantasy in them.
Exciting! Do have a muse when writing? What is your inspiration?
CS: Really, just everyone and everything around me can inspire me. My mind is always going, always writing, and at random times, someone or some TV show or movie or song will spark a new idea.
I totally understand that. My mind is always going too. The family gets upset saying mom is always in La la land meaning my writing. Share with us now do you have any secret writing tips?
CS: Hmm...I guess not...
Aww! Well what do you love most about writing?
CS: I would say getting to know my characters to the point they become real to me.
I prefer mornings to write. Sometimes that doesn’t always happen, but do you have a personal favorite time of day to write?
CS: I’ll write whenever I have time, which tends to be during the day when my husband is at work and my children are at school. After they get home, I’m busy being a mom.
End us with an inspirational quote for future writers out there.
CS: “It’s the writer’s job to sketch emotion with words, and it’s the reader’s job to bring those emotions to life by feeling them.” ~Cheri Schmidt
FATEFUL (Fateful Vampire Series)
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For Danielle Darcey, when the sun sets in London the magic begins, but just as that magic begins, Danielle’s fairytale romance ends...because the hero of her story is a vampire. |
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Cheri is the bestselling author of Fateful. Think "The Vampire Diaries meets Jane Austen." Fateful is followed by Fractured, Forever, and The Order of Curse-Bound Knights. And she has one other book in another series out entitled, Fair Maiden.
Her Fateful Series has been a bestseller ever since she published it, and well over a 150 thousand copies have been downloaded worldwide.
Cheri will say that her head is a very crowded place, and she wishes she could write faster. She will also tell you that if you do not like glittering fairies, hot vampires with British accents, knights in shining armor, the dashing Mr. Darcy, girly-girls who wear skirts, modern-day vigilantes, or large amounts of snogging, then perhaps her stories are not for you.
Currently she is working on The Trapping Club, a sequel to Fair Maiden, a contemporary/spy romance series, and a Steampunk series.
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